Desktop Hypervisors in 2015

Four and a half years ago, I wrote an article exploring the competition between Citrix and VMware in the desktop hypervisors space: Citrix and VMware face-off over client hypervisors. Citrix had just released XenDesktop 4.0 Feature Pack 2, which introduced XenClient as a bundled component in XenDesktop. One month earlier, at VMworld, VMware had broken …

Is the Cloud Just So Many Legos?

I was recently looking at LegoTM parts, and I started to consider the myriad of LegosTM and the broad categories they fit within. Then I had a thought. Is the cloud just so many LegosTM? SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and DaaS are various categories of clouds. We could call them the fundamental building blocks or bricks …

Data Protection: All Starts with an Architecture

At The Virtualization Practice, we have systems running in the cloud as well as on-premises. We run a 100% virtualized environment, with plenty of data protection, backup, and recovery options. These are all stitched together using one architecture: an architecture developed through painful personal experiences. We just had an interesting failure—nothing catastrophic, but it could …