Higher and Higher: Will the Bitcoin Rise Ever Stop?

There is a Jackie Wilson song from 1967 called “(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher.” I wonder if the financial world’s love affair with the cryptocurrency based on blockchain will ever stop lifting Bitcoin higher and higher. Bitcoin, the first of the major cryptocurrencies, is at the time of this writing trading at …

AI World 2017

AI World 2017: Have you heard about or did you get to attend the AI World Conference and Expo that was in Boston Massachusetts from December 11th – December 13th, 2017?  If you have not heard of AI World before then you might be wondering what the conference is all about.  An overview of the conference, taken from the brochure, states “AI World is the industry’s largest independent event focused on the state of the practice of enterprise AI and machine learning.

End-of-Year Roundup

This has been an eventful year, with lots going on. This is an end of year roundup. It is the year when second-order analytics and machine learning became commonplace. The year when artificial intelligence became more than just a daydream. It has been a year of some extremely nasty attacks, ones that nearly took out …

What Exactly Is Artificial Intelligence?

The world is abuzz with rhetoric about artificial intelligence and machine learning. These terms appear to be used interchangeably, and the perception that they are both the same side of the coin can lead to confusion. So, what are the differences? First, let’s consider what AI is not. It is not Skynet (yet), and it …

Using Our Coverage Graphs

We have been publishing our coverage graphs all year. The gathering of data to make those graphs is intensive for each phase of research. We are still finding ways to use the graphs. The basis for the research is to find a vendor-neutral way to compare each vendor, using terminology that is easy to understand. …

Recap of re:Invent

Recap of re:Invent: One of the last, if not the last technology conference for the year 2017 just recently came to a close.  The Amazon AWS re:Invent Technology Conference was held from November 27th – December 1st in Las Vegas, Nevada and I wanted to share some of my key points that I have gathered about the conference.