Security for Consumers: Protecting the Family

It is that time of year again, when we look to buying gifts online and offline for family, friends, and associates. When holiday cheer imbues us with brotherly love—well, at least most folks feel that way. There is, however, a group of folks waiting for mistakes to be made so they can capitalize on them. …

It’s All About That Bass — Surely You Mean User Experience

In my last article, I mused on VDI—sorry, I mean EUC. What could have besmirched the fine name of VDI so much that it had to undergo a radical marketing overhaul? Yes, I know that EUC is much more than VDI, but most people still refer to EUC as VDI, especially outside of the ivory tower …

A Tale of Two Storages for HPC and Beyond

I was recently at SC15, an international conference for high-performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis. SC15 has grown over the years and shows off some of the more interesting gear I have seen. High-performance computing (HPC) has taken off within the modern data center, whether via traditional HPC clusters, 150-teraflop machines, or even massive arrays of …

Your Social Business and Community Strategy

We are now poised at the end of 2015, and one thing still holds true: an inescapable factor in today’s business environment is the constancy of change. Enterprises must adapt to new economic and business imperatives or wither and die; enterprises mastering the art of social business and communities can gain substantial and sustainable advantage. By …

Philosophies of Automation

Philosophical questions for automation; well, at least my humble opinion on the matter. In my opinion there are three main areas, or segments, that are established for automation in the modern day data centers. The first segment is provisioning, then second day operations and finally to complete the life-cycle management is the decommission process. Every data center is similar to each other, but yet what really makes things different is the choice of technologies that are used in the environment.