Privacy and the IoT

Privacy is defined many different ways, but however you define it, when it comes to how corporations use data your privacy becomes very important. What companies do with your data may at times seem like an invasion of your privacy, but in these cases, privacy has well-defined limitations in the eyes of the law. Will …

Something Is Wrong: It Must Be the Hypervisor!

Something is wrong—it must be the hypervisor! If you work in any virtual or cloud environments, how many times have you heard that statement as soon as any kind of problem surfaces? Way back when during the twentieth century, as a problem deflection, the network would immediately be blamed. As we got into the twenty-first century, virtualization …

Dell Fluid Cache for SAN

Back in mid-2011, Dell acquired RNA Networks, a small startup out of Portland, Oregon. At the time Dell purchased it, RNA had a product, MVX, that employed three different ways to pool memory across multiple servers in order to accelerate workloads. One was a way to pool memory as a storage cache in order to …

Where Will VDI Be in Five Years’ Time?

VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure) has long been predicted to be a growth area. This year, the technology has started to edge towards adoption in newer segments, segments in which it has not had significant traction in the past. But will this continue to be the case? Is VDI the computing environment of the future, or …