Overly, Underlay, Packets Flow Free. Is SDN Going to Take Over the World?

A software-defined network: is it an evolution or a revolution in networking? The hype of SDN has been around for several years, but as yet it doesn’t seem to have managed to get much traction outside of the MSPs and Fortune 500 companies with regard to SDN, and telcos with regard to SD-WAN. When, if …

Holiday Security

As we continue into the holiday season, it is worth listening to the Virtualization and Cloud Security Podcast from last December on consumer and holiday security. Consumer security is not the antithesis of IT security, but it is something every consumer should be concerned about. Here is our short list of annual education items. In …

Does Net Neutrality Truly Exist?

There are a number of issues surrounding net neutrality (See Tom and Steve‘s articles). While governments can legislate and attempt to control the Internet, we as users, whether parents, teachers, preachers, or children, already practice forms of anti–net neutrality. We do that by using specific services. Those services could be political, religious, financial, games, or …

Another Side of the Net Neutrality Debate

My friend and colleague Tom Howarth published an article titled Net Neutrality Threatened as FCC Plans Internet Fast Lanes. In his post, Tom did a very good job articulating the pro–net neutrality arguments. I thought this would be a good opportunity to present the other side of the net neutrality argument, but in the midst of my research I found that my positions and views on this matter are moving in a different direction.

VMware on Azure; It Is Not Horizon

Microsoft is releasing a new free tool called Microsoft Azure Migrate, which will aid VMware customers in moving their applications to Azure. Yes, that is correct: VMware on Azure! To be fair, this is not the biggest news. The announcement appears in its entirety here, and the relevant section is pulled out below: Host VMware infrastructure …

Net Neutrality Threatened as FCC Plans Internet Fast Lanes

The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) will publish its plan to reverse the net neutrality rules that banded Internet service providers from blocking or slowing down content in favour of companies that are able and willing to pay extra for their content to be delivered more quickly. It appears that the FCC will remove almost all …