A Redundant Array of (In)expensive Clouds

The cloud is all very well—buy resources as you need them, and don’t care about the infrastructure required to deliver those resources. But there is no cloud: it’s just someone else’s computer. So you should still think about what is required and what happens when things go wrong. In particular, what happens when a cloud …

Is Cloud a Utility Yet?

The big question I keep asking myself is, “Is cloud a utility yet?” In other words, can I choose an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud based on utility pricing and expect the same thing I expect from a utility—as in, “it just works”—or is there more to it than that? In order to decide if the …

Orchestration in the 21st Century Data Centers

Orchestration in the 21st Century Data Centers. Automation has evolved from its humble beginnings as a local basic scheduler to kick off scripts and tasks to enterprise level tool that is used in most if not all the different and unique silos that encompasses Corporate I.T. In this post, I am going to focus on some of the different kinds of automation engines that are is use. This post will not even begin to touch on all of the different products and solutions that are out there and I will definitely not even begin to say that there is any right way or tool but would like to go on record that, in my humble opinion, there is one main wrong answer with automation and that wrong answer would be to be completely dependent on any one solution or product itself.

Complexity and Cloud-Native Applications

Steve Flanders (@smflanders) and I had a late-night Twitter conversation over the complexities inherent in cloud-native applications. My take was that we need to broaden our view and see the entire picture before we can delve into the weeds. Steve’s was that we need DevOps. I countered by saying we need better communication. In essence, we …