Can you Pivot to Pivotal?

At EMCworld 2013, one of the big stories was Pivotal and it’s importance to the EMC2 family and the future of computing. Pivotal is geared to provide the next generation of computing. According to EMC2 have gone past the Client-Server style to a scale-out, scale-up, big data, fast data Internet of Things form of computing. The real question however, is how can we move traditional business critical applications to this new model, or should we? Is there migration path one can take?

What is the Future of Virtual Storage in a Software Defined Data Center?

What is the future of virtual storage in a Software Defined Data Center (SDDC)? As more and more technology gets moved from hardware to software in the SDDC, I have to wonder which direction virtual storage will go.

If we use networking as an example, the technology has evolved from setting up local virtual switches on each of the hosts to a virtual distributed switch (VDS) model where all the individual host-level virtual switches are abstracted into a single large VDS that spans multiple hosts at the Datacenter level. In this design, the data plane remains local to each VDS, but the management plane is centralized with VMware vCenter Server acting as the control point for all configured VDS instances.

Host Deployments in a Software Defined Data Center (SDDC)

Host deployments in a Software Defined Data Center (SDDC): How do you deploy the hypervisors in your company? There are several different choices from installing from a CD, network install and/or PXE, to name a few methods currently available. When there are not a lot of physical hypervisors to worry about the CD installation works just fine and the need for automated installation gets stronger in direct correlation to the number of hosts.