Continuing on with the reminiscing theme started with my VMworld 2008 post and followed up with 2009, here we move one year closer to present day with the Class of VMworld 2010:

Vendor Owned
A10 Networks No Change in Ownership
Aberdeen LLC No Change in Ownership
AC&NC No Change in Ownership
Acronis No Change in Ownership
Actifio inc No Change in Ownership
AFORE Solutions No Change in Ownership
Akorri Acquired by NetApp
Alton Networks No Change in Ownership
AMAX No Change in Ownership
AMD No Change in Ownership
Amplidata No Change in Ownership
APC No Change in Ownership
AppDynamics No Change in Ownership
AppSense No Change in Ownership
APTARE No Change in Ownership
Aqua Connect No Change in Ownership
Argent Software No Change in Ownership
Arkeia Software No Change in Ownership
Arrow ECS No Change in Ownership
Aspera No Change in Ownership
AT&T No Change in Ownership
Atlantis Computing No Change in Ownership
ATTO Technology No Change in Ownership
Avere Systems No Change in Ownership
Beyond Trust Software No Change in Ownership
Blade Network Technologies Acquired by IBM
BlueArc Corporation Acquired by HDS
BlueCat Networks No Change in Ownership
BlueLock No Change in Ownership
BMC Software No Change in Ownership No Change in Ownership
Broadcom No Change in Ownership
Brocade No Change in Ownership
CA Technologies No Change in Ownership
Catbird No Change in Ownership
Centrify No Change in Ownership
Check Point Software Technologies No Change in Ownership
CiRBA No Change in Ownership
Cisco No Change in Ownership
Citrix Systems No Change in Ownership
CLI (Computer Lab International) No Change in Ownership Acquired by Citrix
Cognizant Technology solutions No Change in Ownership
Commvault No Change in Ownership
Compellent Acquired by Dell
Compuware Corporation No Change in Ownership
Connectria Hosting No Change in Ownership
CORAID No Change in Ownership
Cortado, A Division of Thinprint No Change in Ownership
CrashPlan PRO No Change in Ownership
Data Robotics Rebranded as Drobo
DataCore Storage Virtualization Software No Change in Ownership
DataLink No Change in Ownership
Dell No Change in Ownership
Desktone No Change in Ownership
Diskeeper Owned by Condusiv
DMTF No Change in Ownership
Double-Take Software No Change in Ownership
DynamicOps Acquired by VMware
Eaton Corp No Change in Ownership
eG Innovations No Change in Ownership
Embotics corp No Change in Ownership
EMC No Change in Ownership
Emulex No Change in Ownership
Endeavors Technologies No Change in Ownership
Equinix No Change in Ownership
EvoStor Acquired by Virsto
Exar No Change in Ownership
Extreme Networks No Change in Ownership
F5 Networks No Change in Ownership
FalconStor Software No Change in Ownership
Fluid Operations No Change in Ownership
Forsythe No Change in Ownership
Fujitsu No Change in Ownership
GlassHouse Technologies No Change in Ownership
GNAX – Global Net Access No Change in Ownership
GreenBytes No Change in Ownership
GreenPages Technology Solutions No Change in Ownership
HatSize Corp No Change in Ownership
HDS No Change in Ownership No Change in Ownership
HP No Change in Ownership
Hyper-9 Acquired by SolarWinds
Hyperformix Acquired by CA
HyTrust Inc No Change in Ownership
I386, A Seagate Company No Change in Ownership
IBM No Change in Ownership
IceWeb Storage Corp No Change in Ownership
IGEL Technology No Change in Ownership
Iland No Change in Ownership
Imprivata Inc No Change in Ownership
InContinuum Software No Change in Ownership
Infotrend Corp No Change in Ownership
InMage No Change in Ownership
Integrien Corp Acquired by VMware
Intel No Change in Ownership
INX Acquired by Presidio
Isilon Acquired by EMC
Ixia No Change in Ownership
Kaviza Acquired by Citrix
Kingston Technology Inc No Change in Ownership
Kroll Ontrack No Change in Ownership
Lakeside software No Change in Ownership
LeoStream Corp No Change in Ownership
Likewise Acquired by EMC Isilon
Liquidware Labs No Change in Ownership
ManageIQ No Change in Ownership
McAffe No Change in Ownership
MDS Micro inc No Change in Ownership
Mellonox   Technologies No Change in Ownership
Metro-Athene No Change in Ownership
Mezeo Software No Change in Ownership
Microsoft No Change in Ownership
Mitel No Change in Ownership
NComputing No Change in Ownership
Neptuny Acquired by BMC
NetApp No Change in Ownership
NetEx No Change in Ownership
NetGear No Change in Ownership
Netreo No Change in Ownership
Netuitive No Change in Ownership
Neverfail No Change in Ownership
newScale Inc Acquired by Cisco
NorthScale Rebranded as Couchbase
Novell No Change in Ownership
NTT Communications No Change in Ownership
Pancetera Acquired by Quantum
Pano Logic inc No Change in Ownership
PHD Virtual Technologies No Change in Ownership
Precise No Change in Ownership
PROMISE Technology No Change in Ownership
QNAP Systems No Change in Ownership
Quantum No Change in Ownership
Quest Software Acquired by Dell
RackSpace Hosting No Change in Ownership
Red Hat No Change in Ownership
Reflex Systems No Change in Ownership
RES Software No Change in Ownership
Riverbed Technology No Change in Ownership
rPath inc No Change in Ownership
Safari Books Online No Change in Ownership
SamsungElectronics No Change in Ownership
Sanbolic No Change in Ownership No Change in Ownership
Sendmail   inc No Change in Ownership
Service Provider Cloud Pavilion VMware Showcase
Shavlik Technologies Acquired by VMware
SHI No Change in Ownership
Siemens IT Solutions No Change in Ownership
Silver Peak No Change in Ownership
Skytap No Change in Ownership
Splunk No Change in Ownership
Stratus Technologies No Change in Ownership
Sungard Avaliability Services Merged with Vivista
Sychron No Change in Ownership
Symantec Corp No Change in Ownership
Syncsort Inc No Change in Ownership
TBD Networks Inc Believed Closed
TeamQuest No Change in Ownership
Teradici Corp No Change in Ownership
Terremark No Change in Ownership
ThinPrint No Change in Ownership
Thycotic Software Ltd No Change in Ownership
TrainSignal No Change in Ownership
Trend Micro No Change in Ownership
TriCerat  Inc No Change in Ownership
UC4 Software No Change in Ownership
UniDesk No Change in Ownership
UniPrint No Change in Ownership
UShareSoft No Change in Ownership
Veeam Software No Change in Ownership
Verizon Business No Change in Ownership
Viridity Software No Change in Ownership
Virtacore Systems No Change in Ownership
Vertensys Out of Business, Assets acquired by Micron
Virtual Bridges No Change in Ownership
Virtual Computer Inc Acquired by Citrix
Virtual Computing Environment Coalition No Change in Ownership
Virutal Instruments No Change in Ownership
vKernel Acquired by Quest, now owned by Dell
VMLogix Acquired by Citrix
VMUG No Change in Ownership
VMware Customer ShowCase No Change in Ownership
VMware No Change in Ownership
Voltaire Acquired by Mellanox
Wanova No Change in Ownership
Whiptail Tech No Change in Ownership
Windows IT Pro No Change in Ownership
World Wide Technology No Change in Ownership
Wyse Acquired by Dell
Xangati Inc No Change in Ownership
XioTech No Change in Ownership
Xsigo Acquired by Oracle
Zenoss No Change in Ownership
Zetta No Change in Ownership

This was the first year that there was a heavy cloud vendor presence, and the day of the lowercase “V” with everything had truly ended. Now you were not a serious startup company unless you has a “cloud” product. In terms of acquisitions this class has been quiet compared to previous years’ attendees. There could be numerous reasons for this. It could be the global recession, or it could just be consolidation has not actually started yet, as there were a very large number of cloud providers showing at the the 2010 conference market.

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