4 replies on “Virtualization/Cloud and Multi-Factor Authentication”

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  3. Can you please suggest a specific solution? I am looking to implement two-factor authentication for for hypervison administration (vCenter).

    1. Hello Mani,
      There are several that could be used: vCenter supports two-factor auth via its SSO capability for vSphere 5. HyTrust and Xceedium can also provide two factor auth for vCenter. Your Client system where you access vCenter client or web can also implement two factor auth, the vCenter Client itself can pass through those credentials as well (with single sign on enabled).
      The real question is what is the end point, if it is a virtual desktop, two factor auth of the desktop may be enough, if it is not a controlled environment such as a virtual desktop behind a management firewall then something like HyTrust or Xceedium would be the answer.
      Best regards,

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