VMworld EMEA, IPExpo, The ExecEvent, Citrix Synergy, oh my!

This month (October 2011) there are a slew of conferences on virtualization and cloud technologies being held in Europe. The question becomes which to attend! If you are in the United States, this could be expensive considering the current Euro to Dollar exchange rate but if you are already in Europe one of these events is well worth attending, each has there own take and focus.  But after the success of VMworld US, is there anything more to announce?
I believe there is, and at these conferences you will see quite a few announcements. Interesting is that there are 3 major conferences and 2 smaller ones in the next three weeks and a new conference for vendor executives. Each with their own focus and set of announcements. There is plenty to announce coming from VMware, Microsoft, Citrix, as well as the other virtualization and cloud vendors. Some held something back for the other conferences while others just had new developments that need to be announced.

VMworld 300x91 VMworld EMEA will have its set of announcements based on VMware’s latest developments and those items that are now ready 1 month after VMworld US. Some claim there will not be anything new, but I believe there will be. Timing is after all, everything. (Copenhagen, Denmark)
ipexpo 300x104 Geared towards the same crew as VMworld EMEA and Citrix Synergy, but is a vendor neutral conference. There will be quite a few companies showing at all events so expect joint announcements coming out. (London, United Kingdom)
2011 09 22 07 42 28 Geared towards vendor executives but with a twist, the presenters are mostly end users or those who work directly with end users. This runs alongside as IPExpo. (London, United Kingdom)
expertexchange 300x89 Intensive training on virtualization and cloud geared towards Microsoft products. (Frankfurt, Germany)
capture The week after VMworld EMEA and focused towards Citrix products and ecosystem. In the cloud and virtual environments Citrix has been silently and slowly catching up to VMware. (Barcelona, Spain)

As you can see each of these upcoming conferences shares something different or targeted to a specific product or group of people. Each of the three major hypervisor vendors have a conference where they will discuss quite a bit more than their own products but more about their ecosystems specifically their own products, while IP Expo being vendor neutral could discuss the entire ecosystem.
The month of October is crowded with conferences on very good subjects, and if possible I would find your way to the events, it is a chance to meet experts in the field, kick the tires on products, network, and get your questions answered. It is not about the announcements to be made, you do not need to attend any of these to read about those, but it is about networking and getting to see products you would not normally see.
Yet if you are an executive for a vendor and wish to find out what end users are discussing directly, then The ExecEvent is for you. This is one conference dedicated to improving the overall ecosystem but discussing what is missing and what could be added to those who can make the decisions.
The real shame is that it is hard to choose which ones to go to!

3 replies on “VMworld EMEA, IPExpo, The ExecEvent, Citrix Synergy, oh my!”

  1. …certainly looking forward to October.
    IP Expo promises to be a great event: I’ve been going for a few years now and am impressed with how its grown and the speed with which it has garnered recognition as an event that is very worthwhile attending. Very much looking forward to going again – and meeting many people – including you Ed 🙂
    Also off to Synergy – it will be interesting to see how the European event is given distinction from the US: and of course have the chance to discuss Citrix’s latest slew of releases – and hopefully new offerings.

    1. I am definitely looking forward to The ExecEvent, IP Expo, and Hacker Halted this month. Plus a chance to meet up with my UK Virtualization Practice Colleagues.

  2. Thanks for mentioning IP EXPO in your post, the whole team here at Imago Techmedia are working really hard to build a great event for 2011. IP EXPO will continue to go from strength to strength and we recently announced the launch of IP EXPO Africa and IP EXPO Sweden with more to follow.
    Hope to see you next week – keep an eye on our twitter hashtag #ipexpo and if you get a chance please do say hello to the IP EXPO team from Imago Techmedia

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