VMware500x60Every VMworld conference is different, with a different tone and pace to it. At this year’s VMworld US, it felt like everything was evolutionary and very little was revolutionary. Icing that cake, VMware broke the decade-old trend of new vSphere announcements. Sure, the keynotes mentioned the next version, mostly by talking about some of the features it contains, but release dates, feature sets, and details were scarce, if available at all.

Why bring this up three months later? While VMware remains the king of data center virtualization, the public cloud—an area in which VMware is trailing—continues to add pressure. On-premises alternatives like Piston and Cloudscaling (the latter having been recently acquired by EMC), are making OpenStack a more serious contender. With VCE stagnating and the EMC Federation threatening to come apart at the seams, I’ve been thinking about what the delay of VMware’s core product means. Good sign, or bad?

Why It’s a Bad Sign

When VMware announced vSphere 5.5 at VMworld 2013, it also announced that vCloud Director 5.5 would be the last vCloud Director release the public would ever see. Yet at that time, it had nothing to replace it with. VMware vCenter is not multitenant. vCloud Automation Center was not a real replacement, either, at the time lacking credible multitenant capabilities and basic features such as the ability to import pre-existing VMs.

VMware set itself up for a form of the Osborne effect, announcing a new product too early and killing all the intermediate sales. Rookie mistake, but this isn’t a rookie. VMware has seemed a bit adrift, missing a lot of marks for its consumers. VSAN and NSX are at version 1.0, which to VMware customers means “not to be trusted in production.” VVols has been AWOL, and vCloud Suite has seen more deprecation than value-add.

Maybe VMware is coasting, like Intel did before AMD came along. We’ve seen a lot of high-level turnover; perhaps the problem is due to brain drain prompted by stock options vesting or is due to general changes in leadership. Maybe the issue simply stems from poor market research and planning. Regardless, for those seeing the dark side, missing a vSphere release is a big nail in the coffin.

Why It’s a Good Sign

vSphere is the foundation of everything built upon it. In the last two years, VMware has crammed a lot of new code into that foundation, with NSX, VSAN, VVols, the much-hated Web Client, and more. Most IT people have never been software developers, much less software developers on a large project, so they don’t understand that keeping all of that synchronized is a tremendous challenge.

On top of that, VMware is not well known for quality assurance work. It’s routine for anybody serious about running VMware software to remain with the major release that is one step prior to the current one. It’s been a real problem lately with the Heartbleed and Shellshock bugs, as anybody patching for those has seen a slew of other problems and instabilities, often unresolvable by VMware support.

Perhaps the miss of a vSphere release means VMware is finally taking such things seriously. Perhaps it’s like Intel’s tick-tock release schedule, via which it adds new features in one cycle and concentrates on code quality in the next. Perhaps VMware has bitten off more than it can chew with regard to new features, but instead of abiding by the traditional “get it out the door” mentality, it’s stopping to make sure the product is solid. Bugs aren’t just annoyances; they cost VMware money in support and engineering effort later, not to mention customer goodwill.

Personally, I hope the reason for the delay is to pay down technical debt and establish better QA. The next version of vSphere needs to support web-scale, hyperconverged clouds reliably and safely. With competitors and technologies nipping at VMware’s heels, this is a serious inflection point. If VMware can pull it off, it will entrench itself as king for the foreseeable future.

2 replies on “vSphere Delay: Good Sign or Bad?”

  1. I wait to new version too, but the release is not only new version, but it is decision if use VMware in future on change to hyper-v. If new version not support Native GUI (C##) client and another used technology I recommend my company and all customers use version 5.5 for next 2 year and prepare for change to hyper-v. Features is very similar, GUI can be better and price with company contract is lower. Powershell script I can convert to hyper-v and manage over 25 host directly without flash webclient.

  2. If you paid attention to VMworld Blog post coverage then you would be at rest knowing the vsphere fat client will still be around and it can edit HW10 and new HW11 vms. New features still exposed in the web client.

    As for the delay in release your answer there should be obvious, it was around quality control and getting many more people testing than the past beta testing allowed. You could have signed up and been a part of it.

    The biggest strategy change I would like to see VMware work towards is getting away from the actual selling of the hypervisor as primary income. There is some serious competition out there now and a certain competitor is making a very strong argument around this key differentiation. I love VMware, the product and the awesome career they have given me but I really feel they need to make this transition somehow in the near future. While the Hypervisor is important and the base of the datacenters you build with VMware, the selling points need to focus more on competitive pricing, packaging, and management/automation/cloud interroperability and their other specialized products like EUC, VSAN, NSX, evorail, evorack, etc. The vCloud Air needs to be about providing services like they are moving too also, instead of just put a vm internal or external. The cloud is about application, data, and services…not VMs.

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