“I Want to Get Out of the Data Center Business”

CIOs everywhere are stating that they want to get out of the data center business and move to the cloud. Is this just a temporary, trendy shift or a long-term solution? Cloud providers such as Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Google, and Oracle are maturing their offerings and marketing their services as the optimal solution. While …

Recent Announcements: This Is New December 2017

Past and current partners have made a number of end-of-year announcements that have crossed our news desk. Some convey significant changes, others incremental changes. Some even herald complete turnarounds in direction. Starting with this article, we plan to bring you a monthly synopsis of the announcements our news desk receives. Without further ado, here is …

Amazon Web Services Buries Another Rival in the Cloud Wars

The implacable march of Amazon Web Services toward ultimate public cloud domination has been relentless, from its inception in 2006 with a single service (S3 Storage) to the behemoth it has become today. It seems this minnow has become the biggest fish in the pond. But is it unstoppable? Has it won the public cloud wars?

Pulling from vs. Pushing to the Cloud

Ask anyone if they have adopted the cloud, and the answer will likely be yes. Whether it’s Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce.com, Google Docs, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or any of the myriad other cloud services, almost everyone will cheerfully admit to using the cloud in some form. Does the definition of cloud imply pulling …

VMware Takes Big Steps into its Cross-Cloud Vision

VMware takes big steps into its Cross-Cloud vision. My esteemed colleague at TVP Strategy, Jo Harder, released a post on the rumors about an upcoming VMware and Amazon Web Services press conference announcement. I can report that Jo was right on the money with her assessment and that came from the official announcement that was made, although VMware mistakenly posted its announcement a wee bit early. What I would like to do is build off of Jo’s post and move the conversation in a little bit of a different direction.