Total Cost of the Cloud Administrators: There was an article posted on The Virtualization Practice about TCO of the Cloud and from the closing thoughts of the article really got my attention when I started thinking about the total cost of the cloud administrators.
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A Look at Network Automations Automate 9
A look at Network Automations Automate 9: Last month I wrote a post titled “Is Automation Killing the Engineering?” For this post I want to explore the idea that it is not the automation that might be killing the engineering but rather how far and good some of the 3rd party application are in pretty much doing the work for you. One prime example of that concept is Network Automations’ AutoMate 9.
Automation Weaknesses
Over the last few weeks I have been struggling with automating deployment and testing of virtual desktops for my own edification. This struggle has pointed out automation weaknesses which need to be addressed for automation and the software defined data center to succeed and not only be deployed from software but also self-healing and all the great things we associate with SDDC, SDN, etc. But current automation has some serious flaws and weaknesses. In essence, in order to automate something you must have a well known exact image from which to work.
Host Deployments in a Software Defined Data Center (SDDC)
Host deployments in a Software Defined Data Center (SDDC): How do you deploy the hypervisors in your company? There are several different choices from installing from a CD, network install and/or PXE, to name a few methods currently available. When there are not a lot of physical hypervisors to worry about the CD installation works just fine and the need for automated installation gets stronger in direct correlation to the number of hosts.
Virtual Desktop Patching and Data Protection
Data Protection and patch management of virtual desktops, while not a sexy topic, is one that should happen on a regular basis within any organization implementing or working to implement virtual desktops. Recently, we have been testing virtual desktop software and there is a huge difference between patching and protecting data in a small number of instances and 1000s of instances. There are scale considerations as well as ease of use for file level and system recovery as well as issues with patching virtual desktops (not to mention other security issues).
Migrating Business Critical Applications to the Cloud
We at The Virtualization Practice, LLC have migratedg our business critical applications to the cloud. How simple was that task? It was not as easy as we have heard from others, and not as difficult as some have had, but it was not as simple as move my VM and run. Why is this? What are the methods available to move to the cloud? How do they stack up to what actually happens. Theory is all well and good, and I have read plenty of those architectures, but when the shoe leather hits the cloud where are we? Here is a short history, a comparison of methods, and some conclusions that can be drawn from our migration to the cloud.