Security: What to Do Before and After

Recently, we recorded two virtualization and cloud security podcasts. These podcasts covered what to do after Black Friday and, more recently, what to do before the holiday break. What do you do before and after events? While targeted to specific events, the actionable advice is valid for all events that impact your business. Above all, …

Data Sovereignty, Data Ownership

Data drives the modern business. It drives the modern development process. And it drives IT operations analytics in the NOC and the SOC. This raises the questions “Who owns all this data? Do data sovereignty rules apply?” Data is everywhere, and it is used in many ways. In many cases, the same data is used in multiple …

DevOps and the Agile Enterprise Framework

I wrote a couple of articles many years back about building an agile and flexible enterprise using a set of models, principles, and design rules that address the need to maximize financial return, improve performance, minimize risk, and enhance business agility. I want to revisit the premise of that article and view it through the lens of …

You Need IT-Business Integration, Not Alignment

There are many times when I’m on consulting engagements when I ask CIOs, “How much of an understanding do you and your management have about how your company makes money, thereby having a staff that knows where the money comes from and where it goes?” One of the scariest responses that I have had to that …