VMworld Europe 2017 – Roundup

In a slight change from normal behavior this week is VMware’s European VMworld soiree, I say a slight change as this is is usually held in October.  The European conference is to be fair never as good as their US offering, yes the Keynote speeches had tip of the hat to the Europeans with Gelsinger …

Why Do You Need an SD-WAN?

The vast majority of companies—any companies that have multiple sites or remote access workers—need to consider the question “Why do I need an SD-WAN?” This is no longer just the purview of the large enterprise. First, a definition is in order.  SDxCentral defines the SD-WAN as follows: The software-defined wide area network (SD–WAN) is a specific application of …

A Busy Week for Acquisitions

Most people have heard about recent Microsoft’s recent $26.2B acquisition of LinkedIn. You may also be aware of VMware’s purchase of Arkin and Symantec’s of Blue Coat, which they announced on June 13. My colleague Edward Haletky discusses these acquisitions here. CenturyLink announced its purchase of ElasticBox on June 14. June 16 brought further announcements of acquisitions, these being Samsung’s purchase of Joyent and …