The PaaS Build vs. Buy Decision You Didn’t Know You Were Making

It’s no secret that a majority of enterprises are slow to adopt PaaS solutions and favor IaaS solutions instead. What is a well-kept secret is that these enterprises are building their own PaaS solutions on top of IaaS without even realizing it.

CumuLogic Provides Database as a Service for On-Premises Cloud Foundry

Last week, CumuLogic launched a preview edition of its Database Service Broker for Cloud Foundry, a self-service managed SQL and NoSQL database service platform. Database Service Broker provides functionality equivalent to public Database as a Service (DBaaS) platforms such as Amazon Relational Database Service (for SQL) and Amazon DynamoDB (NoSQL), but with the database hosted …

Cloud Foundry and OpenShift Comparison

I plan to spend an afternoon getting an ISV application to run on the public PaaS version of OpenShift—to allow direct comparison with a fruitless afternoon spent on the public PaaS version of Cloud Foundry. In this post, I explain the radical difference in approaches I am taking in the two environments to deal with …