Do We Control Our Data?

Data management is a must as we move up the stack. Data management includes data locality, integrity, confidentiality, availability, and protection. In other words, the old concepts of data security, protection, and classification still apply. However, with the advent of virtualization, our data sources changed. As we moved into the cloud, they changed once more. …

Cry Me a River: Cloud-Native Security

WannaCry, SambaCry, and other attacks have pinpointed the need to not just protect from unwarranted access, but to define unwarranted better. It is not just about ports and firewalls, but also about applications, APIs, and processes. In other words, services. Many of these services need to communicate about the ports that need to be blocked …

The Future for Cloud Native Applications

Container technologies and developers work with applications. End users use applications. Yet, administrators think about the systems that make up the applications with tools that are not application-centric but rather system-, VM-, or container-focused. Because the tools are not focused on the application, the definition of the application is unknown by those who support the …