Cloud Security: Different Approaches and Points of View

There are two distinct points of view when discussing cloud security: the tenant’s point of view, and the cloud service provider’s point of view. Both of these points of view are legitimate, but often one is confused for the other, as we discuss our points of view without really clarifying. However, within each of these …

Virtualization Security at VMworld

It is that time of year again, when we see all the new toys, tools, ideas, and processes that make up the show called VMworld. This year, quite a few changes in virtualization security will be discussed by VMware and other organizations that work with virtual and cloud environments. One of the key messages will …

Lessons We Can Learn from the Code Spaces Attack

It was all over the web on June 18: Code Spaces went off the air, as we discussed during the Virtualization Security Podcast on 6/19. The reasons are fairly normal in the world of IT and the cloud. They were hacked. Not by subverting the Amazon cloud, but in ways considered more traditional—even mundane. An …

Are US Tech Companies Suffering a Slow and Agonizing Death?

Are United States technology companies now suffering from a slow and antagonizing death from what is being called “The Snowden Effect”? The disclosures by the infamous or notorious former National Security Agency that gave a glimpse into the extent of the NSA worldwide spying effort that have prompted companies to avoid and or leave US technology firms in droves.

Lowest-Hanging Fruit of Cloud Security

At nearly every conference, we talk about the lowest-hanging fruit of virtualization security, but we often miss the discussion about the lowest-hanging fruit of cloud security. They are not the same. Are we talking about good SSL hygiene? That is a part of it, but there is something even more basic than that. John Dickson, …

A Tale of Two Clouds

Recently I have had the pleasure of discussing security with a number of cloud providers. Specifically, we talked about what security they implement and how they inform their tenants of security-related issues. In other words, do they provide transparency? I have come to an early conclusion that there are two types of clouds out there: …