What Parts of the Market Appear to Benefit the Most from the Cloud?

Since the turn of the century, virtualization and cloud computing have become two of the best technological advances of the 21st century, so far. Now that the technology has matured, as well as become mainstream, have you ever stopped to ponder the question….. what part of the business market appears to be benefiting the most from the cloud?

Cloud Products and Services

Cloud products and services are only in its infancy but new and exciting technology is being released at an incredible rate. One example of something new is Kim Dotcom’s newly launched Mega cloud storage service with its free 50GBs of storage. What really got my attention with this announcement was that the data would be stored encrypted, which is nice to see security being built into the offering from the beginning. There are a few bugs that are being reported, but hopefully the start of the push to secure the cloud.

Information Superhighway

I can remember back in the day when we connected to the Internet via a modem and were charged by the minute while accessing the “Information Superhighway”. Now, the Internet and really, the network it runs on, has pretty much become invisible to the naked eye. Just as we expect the lights to turn on when we flick a switch, we also pretty much expect the internet to always beon and always available without thinking twice about it. Internet service providers have gotten past the point of only wanting Wi-Fi in your house to now working on providing connectivity to the entire city, giving the metro user internet access from inside and outside of your home or office.

Moving to the Cloud as a Service or as a Machine

One of the decisions faced by anyone that wishes to have a cloud presence is what will be moved to the cloud, why, and whether or not there is a service that can be used instead of using virtual machines. Give The Virtualization Practice’s case, we plan on moving our customer facing VMs to the cloud, but what are those machines? The most important are a Web Server with a split LAMP stack, a Mail Server, and DNS.

Going to the Cloud Safely

Whether or not to put data into the cloud has been a debate since clouds were first formed. At a recent conference I was asked:
with all the security issues you brought up, why should I go to the cloud, I do not know the administrators, nor can I gain cloud visibility, so why go to the cloud at all? and if so which cloud?
There are a myriad of reasons to go to the cloud, not the least of which is politics or being told to go to the cloud. When the real question is:
which cloud services is my organization already using and how can I gain control over the data being placed into the cloud.