Should the SMB Adopt Cloud Computing?

With the advent of VMware Go, vCloud Express, and the vCloud API, VMware’s marketing message is that all SMBs should use the cloud to either deploy their free hypervisor (VMware Go), or use the Cloud to run their servers (vCloud Express). VMware claimed at VMworld that we are no longer looking for ROI with Virtualization from a pure power and equipment costs, no we are now looking at virtualizing to save funds within the operational space of your company. Where best to do this than for SMBs to instead of owning their own equipment move their servers into the waiting vCloud Express providers such as Savvis, Terremark,, etc.

Cloudy Karmic Koala (Ubuntu 9.10)

There’s been a lot of press around the FREE Ubuntu 9.10 Linux distribution as a client operating system, and a wide set of comparisons made (typically by Mac or PC-using journalists) between Ubuntu and Windows 7, but 9.10 is also interesting from a broader virtualization and especially Cloud perspective. Ubuntu is managed by a UK company, Canonical, through a bona-fide foundation. Ubuntu will always be free, and is aligned with the Debian community.

A Merger Scenario: HP and Citrix

The industry landscape is shifting with many major players beginning to acquire companies or enter into competitive agreements with others. Either way we look at it, certain companies won’t be around a year from now. One merger that makes a lot of sense to me as an industry analyst is the marriage of HP and Citrix. In this analysis, I’ll give you some of my reasons why this looks so attractive to both companies.