Evaluating the Cloud: Keeping your Cloud Presence

As you know we have a cloud presence; we have had one for several months. Now we are evaluating the cloud to determine whether to maintain that cloud presence or move back to our local data center. We also documented some early teething problems within this cloud presence. What should be our evaluation the cloud criteria? Now that our data center is moved and fully functional, should we keep our cloud presence?

Enter the FrankenCloud: Or Do we really care about the Hypervisor?

There has been quite a lot of twitter traffic about the FrankenCloud recently: A cloud with more than one type of hypervisor underneath it. One example, is to build a cloud using Hyper-V three and vSphere, both managed through Microsoft System Center. Another example, is to build a cloud using Hyper-V, KVM, and vSphere all managed through HotLink. But is this a desired cloud topology?

Moving to the Cloud as a Service or as a Machine

One of the decisions faced by anyone that wishes to have a cloud presence is what will be moved to the cloud, why, and whether or not there is a service that can be used instead of using virtual machines. Give The Virtualization Practice’s case, we plan on moving our customer facing VMs to the cloud, but what are those machines? The most important are a Web Server with a split LAMP stack, a Mail Server, and DNS.