That Was the Year That Was: 2016

After the end of a year, we often pause and reflect to celebrate our successes and to try and gain closure for our failures and tragedies. For many, 2016 has been a horrible year. I am not going to talk about politics, as that is far too contentious, but the world seems a little darker today than …

HP and the Journey to the Multiverse

In the beginning, there was Hewlett and there was Packard, and they formed a company called Hewlett-Packard (HP) and the rest, as they say, is history. Yes Hewlett-Packard picked up some companies along the way: DEC, Compaq, Autonomy, and EDS, to name a few. HP had its fingers in many pies, acquiring numerous technology companies …

A Bit of History Repeats Itself: CSC Buys HPE Technology Services Division

In 2008, HP (now part of the newly split-off HPE) bought Electronic Data Systems (EDS) for $13.9 billion, a massive amount for what at the time was one of the biggest IT services players in the market space, behind IBM. This was whilst HP’s services division languished in fifth place, behind both Accenture and Fujitsu.