Innovation through Internal Hacking

Innovation is a critical part of any business, particularly a software business. However, as we know from Clayton M. Christensen’s book The Innovator’s Dilemma, it is hard to innovate in a large company. The challenge is that many innovations will disrupt the existing revenue stream. But without innovation, the revenue stream will inevitably end. To remain …

Are You Drinking Your Own DevOps Kool-Aid?

I am starting to get annoyed with the direction of all the DevOps discussions that fly across my Twitter feed each day. I think people are focusing way too much on culture and not taking a pragmatic approach to solving business problems. I’ll be the first to admit that embracing the DevOps movement can be …

Building Your Own IT Community

On the August 7 Virtualization Security podcast, we discussed how people in virtualization, security, compliance, data protection, storage, and networking—and everyone else in IT—should form their own organizational communities to improve overall communication and establish easy access to experts in those fields. This thought came out of a conversation I had with @jtroyer about whether …