Dell Continues Software and Services Expansion with Euro Cloud Investment

With the bottom falling out of the box shifting business, Dell continues its efforts to refocus it’s business along more profitable lines. Dell first announced the appropriately named Dell Cloud at VMworld Las Vegas last August based out of its Plan0 Texas Data Center. Now it has set its sights on the rapidly growing European market with a UK data center hosting its Euro Cloud that is set to open its doors on August 31. Needless to say, Dell is not content to offer a cloud-based service without doing what it can to support its manufacturing division.

A Merger Scenario: HP and Citrix

The industry landscape is shifting with many major players beginning to acquire companies or enter into competitive agreements with others. Either way we look at it, certain companies won’t be around a year from now. One merger that makes a lot of sense to me as an industry analyst is the marriage of HP and Citrix. In this analysis, I’ll give you some of my reasons why this looks so attractive to both companies.