Tis All about Audit: HyTrust + DataGravity

HyTrust recently announced that it is purchasing DataGravity. While I do not know the details, the purchase is a pretty savvy one. Why? HyTrust is launching into the cloud, and DataGravity works in any cloud. A win-win, if you ask me. HyTrust has three major products, and with DataGravity, it will have a fourth, but …

Finding your Sensitive Data to Protect

A bane of having data is the need to know: the need to know where all your sensitive data resides, what that data is, who has accessed it, and how it was accessed. Managing the who, what, where, why, and how of data is a struggle that’s as old as time. Scale changes this struggle. …

Data-Aware Services: Oh, the Places We Could Go!

I have written many times about the need for application-centric data protection and data-centric security. But what these both require is that our data protection, security, management, and networking are data-aware. We use applications, but we thrive on data. The more data we have, the more chance we can make use of it, which has …

News: DataGravity Wins Best of Show at VMworld

VMworld 2014 is in full swing, with more than 23,000 people having made the pilgrimage to San Francisco for this this year’s show. Thus far, things appear to be well-organized and running very smoothly. During my first walk through the Expo Center, I could not help but notice the sheer number of booths showcasing products that …