Notes from the Field: The Value of an Enterprise Architecture

I’ve written before on the importance of an enterprise architecture, but during the engagement that is driving this series of articles (Notes from the Field), it has come to my attention that this topic really needs to be revisited. I’m going to cover some topics I’ve written about before, and in a later post I’ll …

Notes from the Field: Diversity of Conversations, Hyperconvergence, and Adaptive Enterprise

One thing can be said about the world of consulting: the conversations you have with customers never cease to be diverse. My current engagement with a large multinational enterprise that contains multiple business areas with multiple business units is the epitome of that descriptor. We go from high-level, esoteric conversations about economics, value exchange, and …

DevOps and the Agile Enterprise Framework

I wrote a couple of articles many years back about building an agile and flexible enterprise using a set of models, principles, and design rules that address the need to maximize financial return, improve performance, minimize risk, and enhance business agility. I want to revisit the premise of that article and view it through the lens of …