Windows Intune 3.0 Microsoft Cloud-based Device Management – More Than Just a Curiosity

Initial released in March 2011 at the Microsoft Management Summit 2011 in Las Vegas, Windows Intune was Microsoft’s first toe in the water of cloud-based management services for business desktops. Initial designed to appeal to small to medium-sized companies with up to 500 desktops, it offered a minimal feature set with just the bare bones needed to secure and control basic of desktop services.

Citrix release XenClient Enterprise 4.1: revolution or evolution in desktop virtualisation for laptops

Citrix XenClient Enterprise 4.1, first full release since the Virtual Computer acquisition. How does 4.1 compare with previous versions? How has NxTop been utilised? FlexCast missed corporate laptops, does XenClient give an enterprise desktop virtualization platform for laptops?