OnLive – bad management, or an example of DaaS immaturity?

Could OnLive have succeeded? Were they doomed to failure to failure before the off? What are the key questions you should be looking to have answered from your DaaS service provider? It is said that OnLive give an example how-not-to-do DaaS. DaaS is viewed as an upcoming market – is there a wider lesson to be learned from OnLive’s failure?

Can You Give Power to Users Responsibly?

Appsense’s development of User Rights Management and User Installed Applications offer products that you can deploy to give additional rights to users so that they can work effectively without being a drain on IT, or IT being a millstone to them. How will such functions impact your business?

Is Presentation Virtualization Yesterday's Technology?

How does Terminal Services compare to Hosted Desktops, when you compare TS vs VDI is there a winner? While some may say Presentation Virtualization is yesterday’s technology, Presentation Virtualization is undoubtedly for today and indeed, many tomorrows.