DevOps and the Agile Enterprise Framework

I wrote a couple of articles many years back about building an agile and flexible enterprise using a set of models, principles, and design rules that address the need to maximize financial return, improve performance, minimize risk, and enhance business agility. I want to revisit the premise of that article and view it through the lens of …

DevOps Requires OpsDev: It Is Time for a Change

There is a huge disconnect between the DevOps world and most current enterprise IT organizations. One element in the gap is that developers do not want to know about infrastructure. Another is that the operations team does not trust developers to make changes to the production infrastructure. Developers want to focus on their application and …

Recap of CloudBees Jenkins User Conference

I was at the Santa Clara Convention Center, next to the beautiful brand-new San Francisco 49ers stadium, this week to listen to two days of discussions about continuous delivery and Jenkins. Keynote speakers were Kohsuke Kawaguchi, creator of Jenkins and CTO at CloudBees, and Gene Kim, coauthor of The Phoenix Project and well-known speaker on …

VMworld US 2015: Day 5 Recap

Welcome to The Virtualization Practice’s week-long coverage of VMworld US 2015. This is the final installment; see Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3, and Day 4 for additional coverage. VMworld US 2015 wrapped up yesterday with an abbreviated day of hands-on labs and breakout sessions, many of which were repeats of popular sessions from …

VMworld US 2015: Day 4 Recap

Welcome to The Virtualization Practice’s week-long coverage of VMworld US 2015. Tune in all week for our daily recap of the major announcements and highlights from the world’s premier virtualization and cloud conference. With all the forward-looking business out of the way (see the Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 recaps), VMworld took a …