Are You Drinking Your Own DevOps Kool-Aid?

I am starting to get annoyed with the direction of all the DevOps discussions that fly across my Twitter feed each day. I think people are focusing way too much on culture and not taking a pragmatic approach to solving business problems. I’ll be the first to admit that embracing the DevOps movement can be …

DevOps and ITIL Revisited

DevOps and ITIL are like oil and water to many pundits. Some people hold that the two cannot coexist in today’s modern-day IT shops, advising companies to move away from ITIL as they start embracing the DevOps movement. I argued against this recommendation in a post called Unicorns, Horses, ITIL, and Enterprise DevOps.

Unicorns, Horses, ITIL, and Enterprise DevOps

“DevOps” is one of those buzzwords that means everything and nothing at the same time. It is like the words “cloud,” “architecture,” and “Internet of Things”—terms so vague they lead to endless debates between IT people. DevOps seems to take this verbal sparring to a new level. On top of arguing over what it means, people …

DevOps: Stop Talking and Start Doing

If you are like me, you are probably tired of the endless articles talking about DevOps. Each day, you are guaranteed to see an onslaught of articles on the following topics: What Is DevOps? DevOps Is a Culture Change DevOps Requires Empathy DevOps Unicorns, or All Unicorns Started Out as Horses Buy My DevOps Tools …

SecDevOps: What Security Can Do Today

On the June 24, 2014 Virtualization Security Podcast, we discussed SecDevOps with Andi Mann of CA Technologies. Andi pointed out fairly early that he does not like the term or the “DevOpsSec” term. Security needs to be considered at every step of the way, he stressed: neither before nor after Dev, but marching along with …

Recap of #ChefConf 2014

I had the privilege of attending #ChefConf 2014 in San Francisco last week. The theme of the event was “Delivering Delight.” The Chef speakers came out pumped up. They were loud, like the heavy metal music that played in the background (see playlist here), dropping f-bombs as adjectives to emphasize how jacked up they were about …