Antifragile Systems: Designing for Agility vs. Stability

For many years, the focus in IT has been on building robust systems that invested heavily in avoiding failures. To accomplish this goal, methodical processes were implemented to guide IT through a list of known use cases so that systems could try to avoid failing and have a plan for recovery if a failure did …

Why Agile Initiatives Fail and Why DevOps Initiatives Should Worry

As a consultant, I get to travel around the country and see many companies in action. Almost every company I visit is practicing what they call an agile methodology, with varying degrees of success. The companies that are good at agile tend to have happy customers and high morale. Unfortunately, many companies I visit are …

Security Automation = Good Security Practice

As I shoveled even more snow, I was starting to think about automation, as in how could I get something to shovel the snow for me, which lead to thinking about automation within the cloud. I see lots of discussion about automation in the cloud. Many of my friends and colleagues are developing code using Puppet, Chef, vCenter Orchestrator, etc. This development is about producing the software defined datacenter (SDDC). However, I see very little in the way of security automation associated with SDDC.