Caching your Application, OS, or Storage

There is a new set of tools available for Caching up and down the stack which we covered within Caching through out the Stack, however in reality where is the best place to cache data for your application and what are the ramifications of using such a cache. Recently, we had a caching problem, actually two of them. Both caused by the same thing, a lack of full understanding about what was being cached. For any application, the best way to cache is to cache in memory as close to the application stack as possible, which in our stack could be within the application, the OS, or even a hypervisor based disk cache. However, which does your application actually use?

Virsto Promises More than Linked Clones for Hyper-V

Aimed for those who use medium sized storage for virtualization loads, Virsto will add quite a bit of needed functionality to Hyper-V to reduce disk space requirements, improve general disk IO performance, as well as provide faster high availability failover. The disk space saving Linked Clone technology available for VMware ESX and ESXi has been missing from Hyper-V, Virsto provides this.