The Attack Seen Around the World

The attack seen around the world. In one of my more recent posts, I brought attention to the release, or better yet the data dump of exploits and hacking tools targeting Microsoft’s Windows OS, Linux, firewalls, and others. One of the main purposes of my post was to bring attention to the grave dangers that these exploits bring to the world and as such, I really hoped that there would be enough interest from individuals in the industry to get a copy of the exploits and contribute to the countermeasures that would be needed to defend against exploits to better protect and defend the companies and corporations that we all represent. I was absolutely sure that there would be many individuals around the world that would be reverse engineering the exploits for more devious purposes and it appears that we have just experienced the first, of what I believe, to be just the beginning attacks seen around the world.

Encryption Secrets

There is a growing movement to encrypt everything. I prefer encrypting specific data, not everything. However, modern CPU chipset features have sped up encryption so much that encrypting everything is a valid option. Encryption requires one to have access to the keys or the related encryption secrets. Those secrets need to be at the fingertips …

Common Product Security Questions

When investigating the security of various products used on-site, in the cloud, or for clouds, I tend to ask the same set of questions. These focus on identity, compliance, logging, and the like. Specifically, I want to know how the product will integrate with security policy and requirements, as well as with other tools and …

Security in Our Modern Times

Throughout all the years I have been working in information technology, security has been an area that engineers have striven to improve. As a result, we have make our environments as secure as possible. We have always looked to make the security of our systems stronger. Security has evolved over time. One example of this evolution is the …

On Encryption

Amazon has made many changes lately to provide encryption for its Relational Database Service (RDS), adding the ability to encrypt existing RDS instances and shared data between partners. Database encryption, specifically for sharing, is very important, as is encryption at rest, which Amazon and other cloud service providers also provide. If you wish to control …

Cloud Dependency: Data Protection and Security

The premise of security is confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The premise of data protection is integrity and availability. The two go hand in hand. However, it is often the case that certain groups within organizations handle data protection (disaster recovery, business continuity, and backup) while other groups handle security. As security moves closer and closer …