Reduced Complexity: The Reality

The goal and driver of many tools is reduced complexity. There are many IT as a Service products that claim they reduce complexity—but is that what they really do? IT has gotten inherently complex, yet we are claiming to reduce complexity by adding in more layers, such as automation, platforms, containers, etc. Do these technologies …

Goodbye 2015, and Here We Go, 2016

Goodbye 2015 and here we go 2016. Since this is my first post of the New Year, I wanted to start the year with a post on one of my current favorite topics for discussion and that topic to start the year right is automation. For this post, let’s concentrate on the second day operations type of automation. Second day operations is really quite a different beast from the build and decommission automation in that second day operations incorporate several different approaches to the automation. It is these approaches that I discuss a little further.