Changing the Guard: Goodbye Flex Web Client—Hello HTML5, Baby

They’re changing the guard at Buckingham Palace. This is a major tourist attraction in London, and the changing of the guard happens every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, weather permitting. “Changing the guard” is also a well-known refrain used to signify the complete change of an environment. VMware is currently undergoing such a transformation with …

Numecent's CloudPaging: Polished App Streaming or a Brand New Outfit?

Numecent believe Cloudpaging has the potential to impact all connected devices where software needs to be delivered rapidly and securely. Cloudpaging isn;t just a fancy marketing term for a re-branded application virtualisation. Numecent have delivered a new application delivery technology that is poised to open up a new application delivery mechanism not only for enterprises, but for both ISVs and MSPs.

Ericom blazes forward with an HTML5 Client for VDI

Ericom AccessNow is the first HTML5 client for Microsoft RDP/VMware View. An HTML5 offers the option of organisations delivering access to services not only from personal devices, or kiosk terminals, but from the growing range of devices that have a browser as their core OS such as the Chromebook. At the moment, this is a freely available resource – I’d recommend a look.

Ericom’s HTML5 client for VMware View

I have to admit that it came as a bit of a surprise to see Ericom beating Citrix, VMware, et al to the punch last week by shipping the beta release of its HTML5-based RDP client, before any of the bigger vendors opened up their offerings to public scrutiny. I’ll being look at the operation of Ericom’s HTML5 client in more depth next week, but first we need to understand why anyone would be interested in deploying a HTML5-based remote desktop client at all.