Windows 2012 Hyper-V – the hypervisor for your Cloud? Part III

Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V in your private cloud, specifically in a Microsoft Windows VM environment, can be delivered for cost effectively. With 2012 Hyper-V, any Microsoft edition has the exact same virtualization and fail-over clustering features & scalability. The key market play here is in the increased functionality that Microsoft has introduced however, Microsoft not only have to convince embedded and seasonsed VMware houses to move to a new release, but to convince those who saw Hyper-V in 2008 and 2008R2 that the product has a viable business maturity.

Windows 2012 Hyper-V – The Hypervisor for your Cloud? Part I

In this first installment looking at the features of Microsoft Hyper-V 2012 features compared to VMware vSphere 5.1 and XenServer 6.0 we consider how Hyper-V is priced, scalability and performance and storage.

Microsoft Hyper-V vs VMware vSphere

One topic that gets discussed quite often is Microsoft Hyper-V vs VMware vSphere and a quick Google search will return at least several hundred thousand hits. There seems to be a large number of posts and articles trying to make a case for which version is better by listing and comparing features one by one of the hypervisor itself. The purpose of this post is not to campaign which platform is better than the other. Is that the best way to really compare the different virtualization technologies as a whole or should we take a step up to a higher point of view and really look at difference in approach for the virtual infrastructure and/or virtual ecosystems?