Multi-Hypervisor Hyperconverged with Maxta

Product progression is always interesting to see. In particular, I like to see products that grew up around one platform developing into adjacent platforms. Early hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) products usually only supported one hypervisor—most commonly, vSphere, as VMware dominated data center virtualization. But vSphere isn’t the only hypervisor in town, and recently, we have seen …

HCI Benefits without HCI, Part 2: Policy

Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is having a significant impact in data centers around the world. Many IT organizations are getting a lot of benefits from a VM-centered approach to infrastructure. I don’t think that an HCI product is necessary to get these benefits. Most of the benefits of HCI could be delivered by software on top …

Notes from the Field: Diversity of Conversations, Hyperconvergence, and Adaptive Enterprise

One thing can be said about the world of consulting: the conversations you have with customers never cease to be diverse. My current engagement with a large multinational enterprise that contains multiple business areas with multiple business units is the epitome of that descriptor. We go from high-level, esoteric conversations about economics, value exchange, and …

Hyperconverged Design: Limit CPU Consumption by Limiting Storage Performance

I am intrigued by the design decisions that are made as products are developed. I find it amazing how often problems are solved in completely different ways in different products. Sometimes these decisions show up when you are not expecting them. I encountered one such example at a vBrownBag TechTalk presentation at the OpenStack Summit in …

Breaking the Purchasing Cycle

I once received a valuable piece of advice about responding to a changing economy: “Start giving away free what you used to charge for, or start charging for something you used to give away free.” In other words, be prepared to change economic models, which can completely change the way customers buy. There is a real challenge …