Picking a Secure Hybrid Cloud Security Solution

In the past we have discussed the various aspects of the secure hybrid cloud, ranging from the data center through a transition stage and finally to and from the cloud. Unfortunately, picking just one security solution, or even one family of solutions, does not work, so we need to start thinking outside the box and pick the best based on our needs, which cover compliance as well as security. So how do we pick a security solution based on our needs?

Defense in Depth: Authentication and Authorization

On the 7/29 Virtualization Security podcast we continued our discussions on defense in depth. We discussed authentication and authorization with IdentityLogix. IdentityLogix provides a unique solution that correlates users and groups against VMware vSphere’s own role based access control stores. In other words, IdentityLogix can identify if a user or group within active directory has more access to VMware vSphere’s management tools than they were intended to be allowed based not only on the user’s username but on the groups in which the user belongs. Why is this important to know?

5 Starting Steps to Protect Your Virtual and Cloud Environments

More and more is coming out about the attack from a MacDonald’s that left an organization crippled for a bit of time. The final tally was that the recently fired employee was able to delete 15 VMs before either being caught or he gave up. On twitter, it was commented that the administrator must not have been a powershell programmer because in the time it takes to delete 15 VMs by hand, a powershell script could have removed 100s. Or perhaps the ‘Bad Actor’ was trying to not be discovered. In either case, this has prompted discussions across the twitter-sphere, blog-sphere, and within organizations about how to secure from such attacks.