Look to Your Left, Look to Your Right …

Look to your left, look to your right: there is a good chance that of the companies to either side of you, one will not be around ten to fifteen years from now. This was the statement made by Pat Gelsinger during VMworld’s day two general session that really caught my attention. For me personally, …

Cisco Uses Change and Innovation To Capture Marketshare

I’ve often written about using change and disruption as a competitive weapon in business, but John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems, is the epitome of using change and disruption as a way to gain market share and outrun his competition. As stated in previous articles “change presents opportunities”. The ability to adapt to change is a key advantage in business. To survive, compete, and win, enterprises must adapt. However, because change is often disruptive and expensive, few organizations are prepared to take advantage consistently of the opportunities that change presents. This is not the case with Cisco.

Creating A Dynamic IT Environment

In a recent discussion with a group of executives, I stated “these are very tough times, but the technology is there to be revolutionary and make great things happen for the business. I told them that they just need to be that revolutionary person to drive change.” I’ve had a couple of comments online and more offline directly to me around innovation. I wanted to share some of my thoughts on being innovative and some things that you can do to help push the “innovation envelope” and create a dynamic IT environment.