Browsium Catalyst Available Now – Time to Quell Corporate Browser Choice Feuds?

Browsium released Catalyst a browser management utility designed to make deploying multiple browsers in the enterprise a manageable reality. We see what substance there is in Catalyst’s ability to increase the rate of support and change in your browser deployment and how it could impact user experience and environment security .

News: Browsium Catalyst Multi-browser Management Tool Released to Beta

While multi-browser environments are often needed to address compatibility and security problems, they come with several management challenges. Browsium are developing Catalyst to allow the most compatible and secure browser for each website on every PC in an organization to be centrally managed. A free beta trial is available.

Browsium Ion: time to get going from IE6?

Reports on IE6’s death are often greatly exaggerated. IE6 is still there alive and well in a large swathe of enterprise desktops. This puts a risk on projects that look to move an organisation beyond Windows XP. Browsium’s Ion addresses the fear uncertainty and doubt many had with Unibrows. Browsium Ion gives corporate users what will likely be a vital option not just for compatibility for IE6, but to allow for changing configurations and managing web based application access to suit the business, not the application vendor.

Virtualizing Internet Explorer: Microsoft Takes The Ball and Goes Home

There is great outrage to Microsoft’s reluctance to play ball and support virtualization of IE. Without an alternative, the solutions offered by Microsoft are expensive, cumbersome and difficult to maintain. Virtualising the application may well allow different browser versions to co-exist – but the user-experience can be cumbersome with links to other applications not always launching the correct browser and users having to know which browser to choose. Unibrows offers an interesting alternative utilising isolation to support the deployment of different controls and centralisation to allow management and control and importantly wrapped up in what sounds like a very appealing cost.