Using Our Coverage Graphs

We have been publishing our coverage graphs all year. The gathering of data to make those graphs is intensive for each phase of research. We are still finding ways to use the graphs. The basis for the research is to find a vendor-neutral way to compare each vendor, using terminology that is easy to understand. …

Windows Intune 3.0 Microsoft Cloud-based Device Management – More Than Just a Curiosity

Initial released in March 2011 at the Microsoft Management Summit 2011 in Las Vegas, Windows Intune was Microsoft’s first toe in the water of cloud-based management services for business desktops. Initial designed to appeal to small to medium-sized companies with up to 500 desktops, it offered a minimal feature set with just the bare bones needed to secure and control basic of desktop services.

Virtualization Disaster Avoidance & Backup: Year in Review

The Virtualization Disaster Avoidance & Backup space has change fairly significantly within the last year. These changes are cumulative but have a great impact on the virtualization ecosystem. I include Disaster Avoidance in this review as there have been some great strides made in this arena that could impact the entire environment. Disaster Avoidance technologies were demonstrated at EMC World 2010 as well as at other conferences throughout the year. The impact was quite huge, but there are technological hurdles involved with its deployment within any organization.
Virtualization Backup vendors have pushed the envelope once more targeting fast backup and fast recovery of data as well as ensuring that the backups actually work. Here is a list of this years improvements in this space.