Tools of the 21st Century Data Centers

Tools of the 21st Century Data Centers. For this post, I wanted to continue with my thoughts on what helps make up 21st Century Data Centers. In my last post, I focused on the automation aspect of the modern day data center and since I brought it up, let me take another moment to express my main point from that post. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing which automation engine you will use in your environment. There are plenty of options available and you should make your decision based on which solution will make the most sense for your environment and the systems that are running on it. You should also take advantage of other automation tools or engines that may be provided as part of another solution. In my humble opinion, taking advantage of the native functionality that is vender provided is a gift that should be opened and taken advantage of.

Recap of CloudBees Jenkins User Conference

I was at the Santa Clara Convention Center, next to the beautiful brand-new San Francisco 49ers stadium, this week to listen to two days of discussions about continuous delivery and Jenkins. Keynote speakers were Kohsuke Kawaguchi, creator of Jenkins and CTO at CloudBees, and Gene Kim, coauthor of The Phoenix Project and well-known speaker on …

OpenShift, Why Won’t You Do What I Want?

I recently spent a fruitless afternoon on the public PaaS version of Cloud Foundry. In this post, I document an equally fruitless afternoon spent on Red Hat’s OpenShift. It think it is fair to say that OpenShift has some advantages over Cloud Foundry for public PaaS. OpenShift feels more comfortable, its integration of a build …

Cloud Foundry and OpenShift Comparison

I plan to spend an afternoon getting an ISV application to run on the public PaaS version of OpenShift—to allow direct comparison with a fruitless afternoon spent on the public PaaS version of Cloud Foundry. In this post, I explain the radical difference in approaches I am taking in the two environments to deal with …