Using Security for Networking

In the July 20 Virtualization and Cloud Security Podcast, we were joined by Kevin Myers. Kevin is a network architect for IP ArchiTechs. Kevin and I had an interesting conversation about the convergence of networking and security. It started out as an offhand comment about how firewalls can act as routers. They have always been …

Encryption Secrets

There is a growing movement to encrypt everything. I prefer encrypting specific data, not everything. However, modern CPU chipset features have sped up encryption so much that encrypting everything is a valid option. Encryption requires one to have access to the keys or the related encryption secrets. Those secrets need to be at the fingertips …

Secure Hybrid Cloud Revisited

After months of feedback and just in time for RSA 2016, I have finally finished the second version of my Secure Hybrid Cloud Reference Architecture. There are some  differences between the previous version and V2, but nothing major, as we are talking mostly about semantic changes. However, we did expand storage, add in SaaS-based clouds, and …