With the Arrival of Version 10.1, Where Is AppSense DesktopNow Going Now?

On January 11, 2017, AppSense announced the general availability of version 10.1 of its DesktopNow suite. Version 10.0 has been around since June of 2016, but the imminent arrival of Server 2016 led to a rapid movement toward 10.1, which is now viewed as the latest “stable” release. This seems to have been a one-off, …

That Was the Year That Was: 2016

After the end of a year, we often pause and reflect to celebrate our successes and to try and gain closure for our failures and tragedies. For many, 2016 has been a horrible year. I am not going to talk about politics, as that is far too contentious, but the world seems a little darker today than …

Acquisitive LANDESK Bought Out

The acquisitions have started early in 2017. It is only the fourth of January and we have our first major deal. The private investment firm Clearlake Capital has just shelled out a cool $1.1 billion for LANDESK. In the past few years, LANDESK carved out a niche in the user virtualization market space, acquiring its major competitor and …

AppSense Acquired by LANDESK

On Monday, LANDESK announced its plans to acquire AppSense. LANDESK is a well-known, stable technology company based in Utah, whereas AppSense has had several tumultuous years as it has sought to define its niche within the virtualization market. This pairing appears to be a good move for both organizations, with AppSense likely being the greater beneficiary.

And then there were three – NxTop Enterprise morphs to XenClient Enterprise

How will Citrix acquisition of NxTop impact VARs and users? How will XenClient will be marketed longer term. Looks like Citrix will embrace IDV as there is a wider market share, and an admission that VDI will never be the sole solution: hybrid solutions are key to capturing as wide a desktop market share as possible.