Downstream Impact of Microsoft Licensing Changes for VDI

On Monday, Microsoft announced some changes to licensing with respect to VDI, as described in yesterday’s article, Microsoft Changes Windows Licensing. Although Microsoft licensing has always been somewhat complex and difficult to understand, this change is a step forward in terms of simplification. Further, the announcement certainly was good news for enterprises that use VDI, …

Cloud + DaaS Licensing May Be Better in 2014?

The DaaS (Desktop as a Service) market is maturing, and more great products are being released every day to facilitate DaaS functionality. But just like the foundation of a house affects what you can build on it, Microsoft’s unwillingness to offer VDI licensing for the desktop operating system still presents a major challenge to the …

VMworld 2012: A Contrarian Position on VMware’s New Licensing Model

Given the level of applause that greeted the announcement of VMware’s new pricing model, I know this will open me up to criticism, but was the old VMware licensing model really all that bad? It certainly wasn’t perfect, and there’s an awful alot to like about the new model, but was the old license pricing model so bad that it could only be fixed by ripping it up and replacing it with something so very different?

Citrix Delivers Multi-tenant VDI Service

Sridhar Mullapudi, Director of Product Management at Citrix Systems, took to the Citrix Blog last Friday to announced Server VDI is here! Deliver Multi-tenant Cloud hosted VDI desktops from the Cloud giving every appearance of being particularly pleased with himself. As well he might.