Beyond Virtualization: Security within the Guest

The October 12, 2017 virtualization and cloud security podcast moved up the stack. In it, we discussed security within the guest operating system. This approach to security applies to clouds, virtualization, and physical systems. Unlike Software as a Service (SaaS), all other forms of infrastructure or platform involve an operating system you can control. That is …

On Encryption

Amazon has made many changes lately to provide encryption for its Relational Database Service (RDS), adding the ability to encrypt existing RDS instances and shared data between partners. Database encryption, specifically for sharing, is very important, as is encryption at rest, which Amazon and other cloud service providers also provide. If you wish to control …

Security Automation = Good Security Practice

As I shoveled even more snow, I was starting to think about automation, as in how could I get something to shovel the snow for me, which lead to thinking about automation within the cloud. I see lots of discussion about automation in the cloud. Many of my friends and colleagues are developing code using Puppet, Chef, vCenter Orchestrator, etc. This development is about producing the software defined datacenter (SDDC). However, I see very little in the way of security automation associated with SDDC.