VMware's Rapid Desktop Program: Pivot3 vSTAC VDI appliance delivers early

In an effort to relieve the discomfort for customers and partners VMware have introduced a Rapid Desktop Program. This program looks to validate View Proof of Concept appliances to ensure that they meet criteria for performance and reliability. By removing the complexity of the “I”, an organisation can focus better on the assessment of virtual desktops and in turn deliver faster .

News: Virtual Computer Turns VDI on Its Head with NxTop 4

Virtual Computer have redefined virtual desktops delivery with their latest release, NxTop 4. In NxTop4 Virtual Computer have aimed to further improve their client-side hypervisor desktop management solution and to better harness the power of end-point PCs for local execution rather than requiring major investments in virtual machine server farms.

Quest and Virtual Computer to take on Citrix XenDesktop and VMware View

Desktop virtualization often focuses on solutions provided by Citrix and VMware. Quest’s vWorkspace is an enterprise ready solution and its partnering with the likes of Virtual Computer offer customers looking to reduce the cost and simplify their desktop service implementation.