Defense in Depth: Bromium vSentry for End User Computing

On the 8/9 Virtualization Security podcast we continued our discussions on defense in depth with a look at end user computing devices, specifically laptops and end point desktops, with Simon Crosby, CTO of Bromium. While we did also discuss phones and tablets we were focused more on the technology preview that now is Bromium vSentry. Bromium vSentry looks to protect laptops (and others) from unknown and 0-day attacks in a unique hardware assisted way. There is now a new tool in our defense-in-depth toolbox that meets an ever growing need. But what is the need and what is the tool?

Improving Virtualization and Cloud Management Security with Symantec CSP

The 3/22 Virtualization Security Podcast brought to light the capabilities of Symantec Critical System Protection (CSP) software. This software successfully implements a manageable version of mandatory access control policies based on role-based and multi-level security functionality within the virtual environment. More specifically on those systems that are critical to the well being and health of your virtual and cloud environments such as all your management and control-plane tools (VMware vCenter, Microsoft SCVVM, XenConsole, etc.). In addition, Symantec CSP will monitor your virtualization hosts for common security issues. This in itself is great news but why are we just hearing about this now? Is this a replacement for other security tools?

TakeDownCon Dallas: Virtualization Security is NOT just about the Virtual Host

If there was any take-a-way from TakeDownCon related to virtualization, it was that the virtualization host is not the primary attack point but all the ancillary systems that touch it. These systems may not even be considered part of the virtual environment but they certainly can impact the security of the environment.