Whatever Happened to App Refactoring?

Application refactoring, or “app refactoring,” as it became more widely known, is a procedural concept that was earmarked as a growth area over the last few years. According to TechTarget, app refactoring is “…the restructuring of existing computer code to improve its performance, readability, portability, or code adherence without changing the code’s intended functions.” As …

Mobile Devices and Desktops = Secure, Virtualized Applications?

With the number of mobile devices in use now surpassing that of desktops worldwide, the application virtualization requirements of business mobile users continues to grow exponentially. Whether these users access their business apps from a smartphone, tablet, or—the latest buzzword—“phablet,” their common denominator is their demand for more and better business applications on the go.

Touch to Kill the VDI Star?

Businesses today waltz with the end of the PC. AppSense’s Jon Rolls wrote an interesting blog post on how the Windows desktop has not ceased to be in the post-PC era. For many businesses the corporate PC and the corporate laptop are increasingly supplemented by a personal tablet, personal laptop, personal smartphone. Perhaps if corporate IT moved faster (or depending on your viewpoint, businesses were willing to invest more in IT), then the rising reality of users believing they must bring in personal devices to be productive would halt, possibly even recede.