And then there were three – NxTop Enterprise morphs to XenClient Enterprise

How will Citrix acquisition of NxTop impact VARs and users? How will XenClient will be marketed longer term. Looks like Citrix will embrace IDV as there is a wider market share, and an admission that VDI will never be the sole solution: hybrid solutions are key to capturing as wide a desktop market share as possible.

Citrix acquires client hypervisor leader Virtual Computer

Citrix has acquired client hypervisor segment leader Virtual Computer. Citrix now has a new client hypervisor solution XenClient Enterprise featuring extremely strong management capabilities. Integration with Citrix’s existing client hypervisor is sure to come, providing customers with the best of both worlds.

Will Client Hypervisors Drive the Next Generation Desktop?

Whatever your enterprise desktop issue – VDI is often hailed as the answer. But a remote desktop is not always available anytime, anyplace, anywhere. More importantly, a VDI infrastructure is complex and expensive to deliver. Virtualisation will certainly play a major part in the next generation desktop: but does that next generation desktop have to be hosted and run in a datacentre? A client hypervisor can solve the issues that are inherent for many applications and use cases when you take the compute power away from the end-device and try and put it back in the data centre?

MokaFive steps in to fill VMware ACE gap

On December 1, VMware announced plans to discontinue sales of it’s type II desktop virtualization hypervisor management platform VMware ACE Assured Computing Environment (ACE), leaving existing ACE customers in the lurch with no recommended way forwards. Now MokaFive is looking to fill the gap by offering a heavily discounted MokaFive Suite to help them out

XenClient 2.0: An Enterprise Ready off-line XenDesktop…or not?

Citrix have released XenClient v2.0, their second generation bare-metal client hypervisor. XenClient allows centrally managed virtual desktops to run directly on corporate laptops, even when they are disconnected from the network. This version is intended to add ease-of-use and scalability features, and introduce a wider hardware compatibility list. In addition Citrix also launched the new XenClient XT, a standalone product designed to give advanced levels of security, isolation and performance for organisations with very specific and unique client computing requirements.

News: Virtual Computer Turns VDI on Its Head with NxTop 4

Virtual Computer have redefined virtual desktops delivery with their latest release, NxTop 4. In NxTop4 Virtual Computer have aimed to further improve their client-side hypervisor desktop management solution and to better harness the power of end-point PCs for local execution rather than requiring major investments in virtual machine server farms.